Student FAQs
How are mentors and mentees matched? Can I choose my mentor?
You will not be able to choose your own mentor as the matching process is carried out by program staff. We match students and mentors based on preferences, including industry, study area, gender or any other criteria indicated. The volunteer mentors participating in the program come from a diverse range of backgrounds. If your preferences don't match any of the available mentors, or if you didn't submit a detailed application, you may not be matched with a mentor. In this instance, we'll discuss other available options with you. If you have any questions prior to the matching process, please contact the Program Officer directly via access-connections@unimelb.edu.au.
I want a mentor from a particular background/industry/gender. Is this possible?
Yes, it is possible. However the aim of the mentoring relationship is to expand your knowledge of career options and the working world. You can still learn a lot from a mentor in another field of work so we ask mentees to keep an open mind. While you can specify preferences in your application, please be aware that highly specific criteria may limit your chances of being matched.
What if I'm not happy with my match?
As mentioned above, mentors and mentees are encourage to remain open to possibilities, and to reserve initial judgment. Every effort is made to ensure each match has potential value and mutual benefits. If however, you feel strongly about not wishing to pursue the match (before or after meeting), please contact the Program Officer who will discuss options with you.
How do I know if i'm an Access Melbourne student?
The Access Melbourne special entry scheme supports who have faced unique circumstances throughout their schooling to gain entry into their preferred undergraduate degree at Melbourne. To have been awarded an Access Melbourne place, you needed to have indicated that you met the eligibility criteria and at least once special circumstance outlined here during the University's admission process. If you're a Narrm Scholar, you're also an Access Melbourne student.
I'm not eligible to join the program. What can I do instead?
Not an Access Melbourne undergraduate student - If you haven't joined the University under its Access Melbourne special entry scheme, you are not eligible for this program. Instead, we encourage you to join the University's online networking platform, Ask Alumni, to connect with alumni for careers support and guidance and to explore if your faculty officers a career mentoring program (see below).
My faculty also runs a career mentoring program - what's the difference and can I do both?
Most faculty career mentoring programs (with the exception of Melbourne Law School) run over the same time frame and have a similar structure to the Access Connections Mentoring Program. The key difference is the type of mentor you can be matched with. Mentors in the Access Connections program are from a wide range of backgrounds and our volunteer cohort is a mixture of those working in the field you're studying in and those employed in different industries too. This is a fantastic way to gain unique cross-discipline insights and particularly beneficial if you're interested in exploring an industry or roles that are outside of what you're studying. Along with this, some mentors may also have experienced unique and challenging circumstances as a student and want to share their support, experiences and stories with those in a similar situation.
If you meet the eligibility for the Access Connections program and your faculty program too, you can apply for both. Please note that this will mean you may potentially be matched with two mentors and will need to meet the requirements of two programs at the same time. Faculty programs between students and alumni include the ABP Industry Mentoring Program, FBE Career Mentoring Program, MDHS Mentoring Program, MLS Mentoring Program and STEM Industry Mentoring Program (Science and FEIT).
What's the time commitment?
Once matched, it's expected that you initiate at least 3 meetings with your mentor during semester. Meetings can be 30 minutes or longer, depending on your individual preferences and needs. Your meetings should be scheduled at a time that suits both parties and it's preferable that you work around your mentor's schedule. You can email your mentor to discuss the frequency of your meetings, and this can be negotiated at your first meeting. Between your meetings with your mentor, you'll likely want to take time to reflect on your discussions and try to put some of the learning or advice into action.
Where will I meet my mentor?
The format of the meetings (in person/online or a combination of both) should be discussed in the initial communication. Should you choose to meet via an online platform, we recommend using software such as Teams or Zoom. Recommended meeting places for in person meetings could include on campus, your mentor's place of work (during business hours), a public library or a quiet cafe.
What's expected from me as a mentee and how can I make the most out of the program?
The success of a mentoring partnership is dependent on your commitment to engage with your mentor. Results from previous programs show that the more often mentees meet with their mentor, the higher their satisfaction with the program is. You'll develop valuable skills, experiences and knowledge by participating - the more you put in, the more you'll get out! You need to commit to:
• Being available during semester two to meet with a mentor.• Taking responsibility to initiate and maintain the mentoring connection throughout the program, ensuring your meet at least 3 times.
• Communicating regularly and promptly with mentor.
• Preparing for meetings by considering topics of discussion and questions beforehand.
• Honour your meeting commitments and be punctual.
• Keep shared information confidential.
We also encourage you to make use of the support resources available including:
• Preparing for Mentoring LMS module. To access this module, you first need to enrol into the Careers and Employability LMS Community. Once enrolled, you can access the Preparing for Mentoring module.
• Mentee Preparation Workshop (date confirmed once partnerships are announced)
Mentors FAQs
How will I be matched with a student? Can I choose a mentee?
We match you with a student, although please be assured we carefully screen and select students for this program to ensure your mentee is committed and prepared for the experience. You also have the option of talking directly to the program administrator prior to matching to discuss your expectations, qualifications, work history and what you would like to get out of the mentoring experience.
How will I be matched with a student? Can I choose a mentee?
Mentor applications will open in March and close on 1 June 2025.
What is the time commitment?
• Mentor preparation workshop - approx. 1 hour webinar.• Email correspondence with your mentee (frequency can be negotiated in your first meeting).
• 3 or more meetings of approximately 30-minutes - 1 hour each.
• Networking events (to be advised).
I want to mentor a student from a particular background/course/gender. Is this possible?
Yes, though in some cases we may not have students who meet your requirements. If this happens we can discuss alternative ways for you to connect with and support current students. Please note, if you have registered in advance we will contact you before the next intake to check if you are still available to be a mentor.
How are students selected for the program?
If eligible, students are asked to submit an application form indicating their mentoring preferences and attend a preparation workshop. To be eligible for this program, students need to:
• Have been awarded a place under the Access Melbourne special entry scheme during the admission process.• Be in the second or third year of an undergraduate degree (any discipline).
The Access Melbourne special entry scheme supports students who have faced unique circumstances throughout their schooling to gain entry into their preferred undergraduate degree at Melbourne. Access Melbourne students have been identified as meeting certain eligibility criteria and at least once special circumstance outlined here. Narrm Scholars come under the Access Melbourne banner.
We aim to provide opportunities to students from greater levels of disadvantage first, however we do not preclude students from lower levels of disadvantage from applying (this might include students who grew up in a rural area but did not face financial hardship).
Do I need to come onto campus?
There's no requirement for you to come onto campus to meet your mentee, however you may choose to do so if it is convenient for you. Meetings with your mentee need to be scheduled at a location and time which is suitable for you this also means virtual meetings are still acceptable.
Last updated: 3 March 2025