Policies and Procedures

The ABP Industry Mentoring Program is an inclusive and diverse community of students and alumni, where participants form connections with the aim of enhancing employability skills in an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying.

All students of the University of Melbourne must adhere to student behavioural standards at all times, as outlined in the University’s Student Conduct Policy. All volunteers engaged with the University are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the University’s Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy. Any breaches of conduct will be dealt with as per policy guidelines. 

Aims of Mentoring Program

Mentoring programs at the University of Melbourne connect students, alumni and professionals with the aim to prepare graduates for lives of professional contribution, leadership and as active global citizens. Through the mentoring relationship students receive crucial guidance and support in the early stages of career planning and professional life. 


The program managers and relevant department have the right to, at their sole discretion, terminate or revoke the invitation to the mentor or mentee.
In order to participate, mentors and students are required to complete a mentoring preparation training prior to being matched to a mentor. 


Students and mentor pairs will be broadly matched through a confidential process based on information provided on registration documents. Every effort is made to ensure students’ interests are aligned as closely as possible with those of the mentor, to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement. Nevertheless, some degree of flexibility and understanding on the part of mentor and mentee may be required and a willingness to embrace the opportunity should you be matched with someone with different interests.


It is the student’s responsibility to make the initial contact with the mentor.
Mentors and mentees are expected to meet at least 3 times during the mentoring period. It is anticipated/ suggested that these meetings may take the form of face to face meetings, work shadowing or attendance at industry specific events.  Students experiencing difficulty contacting their mentor (after two attempts), should contact the Mentoring Program Coordinator.

Teaching and Learning 

Mentoring Programs at the University of Melbourne do not form part of a student’s formal course and have no bearing upon academic grades. Mentoring programs aim to enhance the experience of mentees transitioning from student to professional life.

Ending the relationship - No fault clause  

Incompatibility is part of life and is no one’s fault. If either the mentor, or the mentee, or both, face difficulties with their mentoring relationship, the first step is to contact the Program Coordinator as soon as possible. By exploring issues objectively, some problems can be diffused at an early stage. If this is not possible, the Mentoring Agreement contains a ‘No Fault’ clause, which enables either the mentor or the mentee to end the mentoring relationship without any blame attached. In this case, after speaking directly to the Program Coordinator, participants must notify their mentoring match of their decision to end the relationship.


The information you provide through Chronus, our third-party provider, is stored on their Australian based server.  You can find more information about how your data is used and stored by Chronus in the Chronus Privacy Policy and by the University in the UOM Mentoring Terms and Conditions and the University’s Privacy Policy.

Insurance Cover

Student Personal Accident and Public Liability insurance is provided to enrolled students involved in University related activities. This cover does not extend to non-student participants who may like to maintain their own insurance, else participate at their own risk. Please contact the Program Administrator if you need clarification at abp-mentoring@unimelb.edu.au.

If you are not enrolled at The University of Melbourne, your participation in the ABP Industry Mentoring Program means that you assume any and all risks that may arise as a result of a meeting with another participant or otherwise, related to the University of Melbourne ABP Industry Mentoring Program and relinquish any cause to hold the University of Melbourne liable for any damages at any point in time.

Occupational Health and Safety

Participants should be aware of all relevant occupational health and safety requirements where a workplace visit occurs as part of the ABP Indutry Mentoring program. This may require the visiting participant to be inducted into the occupational health and safety orientation process of the work environment as relevant and will require the host participant to ensure that the visiting participant's health and safety is not at risk while at the workplace.

The University expects that the workplace will have the requisite public liability insurance cover with respect to accidents that may occur at the workplace. Visiting participants should comply with relevant occupational health and safety requirements while at the workplace as notified to them by the hosting participant. For further information about occupational health and safety generally, please visit the WorkSafe Victoria website.

NB: Please note this would not apply if you were meeting in a public place.

Duty of care and Ethical Requirements

All participants must agree to behave in a professional, lawful, ethical and responsible manner at all times. Anyone who experiences any uncertainty or discomfort with the mentoring relationship should contact the Program Coordinator at abp-mentoring@unimelb.edu.au. We will then contact you to discuss your concerns.

Code of Conduct

Participants of the ABP Industry Mentoring Program are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct:

  • Observe confidentiality at all times, including all contact details
  • Maintain professional standards of behaviour and safety
  • Treat others with courtesy, be respectful and non-judgmental
  • Fulfil agreed commitments
  • Assist with evaluation and feedback
  • Contact the Mentoring Program Coordinator with any concerns or difficulties

Grievance Procedure

In the first instance, participants should discuss the issue with the Mentoring Program Coordinator. If the participant does not feel the matter is resolved they should then discuss the complaint with the Manager. Complaints and grievances will be dealt with according to University of Melbourne procedures. 


Feedback is welcome and encouraged throughout the duration of the program. Formal evaluation will be undertaken at the end of each program intake. 
If you would like any further information about mentoring in general, please contact the Mentoring Program Coordinator via email: abp-mentoring@unimelb.edu.au

Relevant Australian Legislation

Participants in this program are expected to abide by Australian laws preventing individuals from participating in the discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or bullying or another individual or group.

Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)

If you would like any further information about these policies and procedures, please contact the Program Coordinator at abp-mentoring@unimelb.edu.au.

 Last updated: 18th April January 2024